Tuesday, February 28, 2006

City Council Has A New Toy

San Ramon City Council Playing With Eminent Domain

Could They Point The Gun At You?

Read more about San Ramon Eminent Domain

Sunday, February 19, 2006

San Ramon Rezoning

San Ramon 2020 General Plan Obscured - Glasses Required

Politicians in San Ramon, CA are proposing zoning law changes that will affect all of San Ramon.

Re-zoning could do away with the public golf courses and open the land up for a multitude of land uses ranging from: Waterslides, Arcades, Bowling Alleys, Co-Generation Plants, Homeless Shelters, Transitional Housings, Recycling Centers, Low Income High Density Affordable Housing, and a host of other land uses.

Contact your San Ramon Council Members and tell them to put a stop to this re-zoning.

Read the rest of the story and leave your comments at sanramontalk.blogspot.com